The Season of Conferences
Community Stories

The Season of Conferences

Andrew Haak

The summer recruiting conferences have been a thrilling front-row seat for the C7 class to come! This year the recruiting team incorporated free pour-over coffees as a part of our booth to start conversations with passersby. If you make friends over a coffee any other time in life, why not here at the conference? In just a couple minutes, we get to bless another booth volunteer with a coffee and share 3 simple points about our, “college nestled in the mountains.”

The question I hear most after people hear of our Christian Bachellors program that only takes 30 months to graduate, debt-free, and with an apprenticeship, is almost always — “where have you been all my life?!” To which smile and enjoy responding, “preparing to offer you this!” Over a simple cup of joe, we share the growing opportunities God keeps opening for students at Excel College, like the Creative Arts Lab, the community garden, and our growing practicum partnerships, and we’re just getting started! From the most recent conference in Richmond, VA we drove 6 hours to return to campus, but the drive felt like but a moment as Isaiah Schmidt (my partner for that conference) and I recounted all the interested people and exuberant conversations we got to share with them. 

All of this feels like a glimpse of all the future cohorts to come and I couldn’t be more delighted. When C7 joins us this fall as my class (C6) begins our Practicum Phase I can already imagine just how beautiful the growing relationships and excitement will be. It is evident to me that God is moving in the hearts of everyone at Excel College, but He is preparing for more to join us in the (not so distant) future!

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